Symas OpenLDAP Knowledge Base

Using Static Configuration (slapd.conf)

The slapd.conf (the static configuration definition) file can be used to configure everything needed, and it can optionally be converted later on to the slapd.d form.

It has an internal structure, which must be respected.

Global configuration directives Backend-specific directives Database-specific directives

We do not describe all the various parameters.

Starting the server using the slapd.conf file

slapd is be told to use this file, on startup, using the -f option :

    $ <slapd> ... -f slapd.conf ...

Modifying slapd.conf

Modifying the content of the sldap.conf file is just a matter of using a text editor, changing what you see fit, and saving the file.


Modifications to slapd.conf file will not take effect until the server is restarted.

Try to save the previous (and working) version before applying any modification.

Testing the configuration

There is a executable ( slaptest ) that can be used to check if the configuration file is correct :

    $ /opt/symas/sbin/slaptest -f sldap.conf -v -u

Use the -u options if this is the very first time you run this command : it will check the file even if the database does not exist yet.

Converting to slapd.d

Converting the configuration to the directory based format is as easy :

    $ /opt/symas/sbin/slaptest -f sldap.conf -F slapd.d

That will generate the slapd.d directory containing the full configuration. This can also be done when starting slapd but this is simpler.