SLAPD.conf Customization
By default slapd
looks for an existing slapd.d (dynamic
configuration) directory and if it is not found it will load from the
static slapd.conf file. Since you are planning on using
the default will be fine.
Global Section
Server ID
Each server in an OpenLDAP cluster has a serverID
. If it
is not specified in slapd.conf
it will default to zero. We
recommend that even in a single-server configuration, you set
to something other than zero. That way, if you
decide to add another master server to the cluster for higher
availability, you won’t have to reload your first server to activate
replication between the masters. The server id block needs to come first in the slapd.conf file and
must be an integer between 1 and 4095.
The server ID can also be specified as a 3-digit hexadecimal with a prefix of “0x”. Each Producer server in the replication architecture will require its own unique server identification number. The syntax for producer servers when replication is configured is as follows:
serverID 1
NOTE: for devops customers (i.e. Chef, Puppet, Ansible, etc): The serverIDs for multiple producer servers may be identified in a single slapd.conf file as follows:
serverID 1 ldap://<producer 1 server's FQDN>/
serverID 2 ldap://<producer 2 server's FQDN>/
Caution: This creates an easy single point of failure as serverIDs are required on producers in a replicated environment and changes to the firewall, closing of ports or modifications of hostnames/FQDNs would all cause a serverID configured this way to be ignored, thus breaking replication. Any changes in the server’s URI must be reflected in the slapd.conf file.
The schema block comes next in the slapd.conf file. Schemas define objectClasses and attributes for entries being used in the database.
directory is removed and recreated during the update/upgrade process. If custom schemas are in use, place them the/opt/symas/etc/openldap/custom_schemas
directory to avoid accidental deletion.
The syntax is as followings.
include /opt/symas/etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include /opt/symas/etc/openldap/schema/ppolicy.schema
include /opt/symas/etc/openldap/custom_schemas/your_private.schema
The Process Identification and custom Arguments (specific slapd process start-up requirements) file paths block comes next. These paths must contain the absolute name of the files that will hold the LDAP server’s process ID and LDAP server’s process command line options. These PID file path must match what is configured in the symas-openldap.conf file. The syntax is as follows:
pidfile /var/symas/run/
argsfile /var/symas/run/slapd.args
TLS Security Settings
The next block in the slapd.conf file is the TLS Security Section. The items configured here are extremely important and must be correct. Otherwise, it may not be possible to connect to the LDAP server, or replication and chaining may not work. See the OpenSSL Certificates section of Securing the Connection for more information on certificate creation and TLS Security Section configuration options. See the Security and Ciphers section of Securing the Connection for more details on available settings. The following contains a recommended example syntax:
TLSCACertificateFile /opt/symas/ssl/cacert.pem
TLSCertificateFile /opt/symas/etc/openldap/slapdcert.pem
TLSCertificateKeyFile /opt/symas/etc/openldap/slapdkey.pem
TLSVerifyClient try
TLSProtocolMin 3.1
If SASL Authentication/Connectivity is in use, this section will also contain any “authz” user information. See the SASL Connectivity section of Securing the Connection for more information. The example syntax below contains the user that “does” replication.
authz-regexp "email=XXXXX,cn=([^,]*),YYYYYY" "cn=replicator,dc=symas,dc=com"
Threads & Tool-Threads
The threads configuration parameter controls the size of the pool of threads used to process LDAP operations. The default value (16) has been found to be reasonable for most platforms, and most deployment scenarios. In some cases, the server may perform better if it is lowered. In a few cases (such as systems with many (>=4) CPUs), a higher number may be better. High values (even 32) may cause resource exhaustion and/or significant resource contention. One should bench the server under load before and after the change to see if the change had any significant impact. Unless the benching indicates that the change resulted in significant improvement, the change should be undone. The rule of thumb for the threads setting is to multiply the number of processor cores by four. The example syntax follows:
threads 16
Symas OpenLDAP supports threaded slapadd. This is only useful if running slapadd on a multi-cpu box. Generally, assign 1 thread per CPU. This specifically affects the creation of index databases, so if the number is indices is fewer than CPUs, set the value to the number if indices instead. With MDB backends, ‘tool-threads’ is hard coded to 2 and setting it to anything higher can actually slow things down. The example syntax follows:
tool-threads 2
There are two kinds of optional modules: backends and overlays.
Backends implement databases. Backends are dynamically loaded by
when it starts up.
Overlays provide hooks to functions that extend base OpenLDAP
capabilities. Password Policy is implemented by an overlay module
), for example.
Essentially, overlays can:
- Customize the behavior of existing backends without changing the backend code and without requiring one to write a new custom backend with complete functionality, or
- Add function that can be applied to different backend types
The modulepath specifies a list of directories to search for loadable modules. The default directory for Symas OpenLDAP is /opt/symas/lib64/openldap, which is where the standard OpenLDAP install will place its modules. The syntax is as follows:
modulepath /opt/symas/lib64/openldap
The modules to be loaded are listed using the moduleload configuration. Filenames may be absolute path names or a simple filenames Non-absolute names are searched for in the directories specified by the modulepath option. While the order of modules is normally irrelevant. back-meta is built on top of back-ldap so it is required that be loaded before
The syntax follows:
moduleload pw-sha2
Included Modules:
Module | Gold (G) Silver (S) | Description/Usage |
---|---|---| | G/S | Add & configure the Access Logging overlay for each database |
————– | —– | ————————————————————– | | G | Add & configure the Audit Logging overlay for each database |
————- | — | ————————————————————- | | G | Add & configure the Autogroup overlay for each database |
————– | — | ——————————————————— | | G | Required to configure LDAP Backend to SLAPD |
————– | — | ——————————————— | | G/S | Required to configure MDB Backend databases |
————- | —– | ——————————————— | | G | Required to configure the Metadirectory Backend to SLAPD |
————– | — | ———————————————————- | | G/S | Required to configure the Monitor Backend database |
—————– | —– | —————————————————- | | G/S | Required to configure the Null SLAPD Backend |
————– | —– | ———————————————- | | G/S | Required to configure the PASSWD backend. |
—————- | —– | ——————————————- | | G | Required to configure basic DN/data rewrite and objectClass/ attributeType mapping |
————— | — | ———————————————————————————— | | G/S | Required to configure Shell script handling |
————— | —– | ——————————————— | | G/S | Required to configure the Socket Backend used by external programs Add & configure the Socket overlay for each database |
————– | —– | ————————————————————————————————————————- | | G/S | Add & configure the Collective Attributes overlay for each database |
———— | —– | ——————————————————————— | | G/S | Add & configure the Attribute Constraint overlay for each database |
————— | —– | ——————————————————————– | | G | Add and configure the Datamorph overlay for each database |
————– | — | ———————————————————– | | G/S | Add & configure the Dynamic Directory Services overlay for each database |
——– | —– | ————————————————————————– | | G/S | Add & configure the Dynamic Group overlay for each database |
————- | —– | ————————————————————- | | G/S | Add & configure the Dynamic List overlay for each database |
———— | —– | ———————————————————— | | G | Add & configure the Home Directory Provisioning overlay for each database |
———— | — | ————————————————————————— | | G | Add & configure the LastBind overlay for each database |
————- | — | ——————————————————– | | G/S | Add & configure the Reverse Group Membership overlay for each database |
————- | —– | ———————————————————————— | | G | Add & configure the Proxy Cache overlay for each database |
———– | — | ———————————————————– | | G/S | Add & configure the Password Policy overlay for each database |
———— | —– | ————————————————————— | | GL | Required to utilize the BCrypt password hashing method |
————– | —- | ——————————————————– | | G/S | Required to utilize the SHA2 password hashing method |
———— | —– | —————————————————— | | G/S | Required to add the Time-Based One-Time Password authentication functionality to SLAPD |
———— | —– | —————————————————————————————- | | G/S | Add & configure the Referential Integrity overlay for each database |
———– | —– | ——————————————————————— | | G/S | Add & configure the Return Code overlay for each database |
———– | —– | ———————————————————– | | G/S | For future expansion - not in use at this time |
————— | —– | ———————————————— | | G | Add & configure the Server-Side Sorting and Virtual List View overlay for each database |
———– | — | —————————————————————————————– | | G | Add & configure the Sync Producer overlay for each database on a Producer server |
————- | — | ———————————————————————————- | | G | Add & configure the Translucent overlay for each database |
—————- | — | ———————————————————– | | G/S | Add & configure the Attribute Uniqueness overlay for each database |
———– | —– | ——————————————————————– | | G/S | Add & configure the Value Sorting overlay for each database |
———— | —– | ————————————————————- |
Overlay configurations take advantage of loaded modules.
Access Control Lists (ACLs)
Broadly, an ACL associates
- What is being operated on?
- Who is requesting the operation?
- What type of operation is requested?
- See slapd.access man page ( for details
“Access to
attrs=<attrlist> [val[/matchingRule][.attrstyle]=<attrval>]
= all entries
<dnstyle> = (base|one|sub|children|regex)
- everyone
- anonymous = unauthenticated clients
- users = all authenticated clients
- self = users whose DN matches the target entry
- dn = explicit DN
- dnattr = an DN-valued attribute in the entry
- group = the list of members in a group entry
- peername = the socket address of the client
- sockname = the socket address of the server listener
- domain = the DNS name of the client
- sockurl = the URL of the server listener
- set = ACL sets
- ssf = overall security strength factor
- transport_ssf = transport level SSF
- tls_ssf = tls-specific SSF
- sasl_ssf = SASL-specific SSF
SSF - Security Strength Factor
The server uses Security Strength Factors (SSF) to indicate the relative strength of protection. A SSF of zero (0) indicates no protections are in place. A SSF of one (1) indicates integrity protection are in place. A SSF greater than one (>1) roughly correlates to the effective encryption key length. For example:
DES = 56
3DES = 112
AES = 128, 192, or 256
A number of administrative controls rely on SSFs associated with TLS and SASL protection in place on an LDAP session. Security controls disallow operations when appropriate protections are not in place. For example:
security ssf=1 update_ssf=112
This requires integrity protection for all operations and encryption protection, 3DES equivalent, for update operations (e.g. add, delete, modify, etc.).
Privilege Access Level:
- none = no access
- auth = authentication
- compare = Compare operations
- search = search filter evaluation
- read = search results
- write = modifications
- manage = all access including administrative access
Each level includes the preceding ones
Privilege Rights:
- m, w, a, z, r, s, c, x, d, 0 - can be used to assign individual rights instead of levels m for manage, w for write, a for add, z for delete, r for read, s for search, c for compare, x for authentication, d for disclose, and 0 (zero) for no access.
- Use (+ | - | =) modifiers to add, remove, or replace rights.
NOTE: +0 is standalone and cannot be combined with any other access privileges.
ACLs are evaluated in the order in which they appear in the configuration
- Most specific rules must appear before general rules
- Evaluation usually stops at the first match
Additional controls may be specified to alter the evaluation sequence Evaluation controls
- Stop = stops evaluation at the current rule
- Continue = keep examining other
clauses within the same rule - Break = keep examining other
Example for slapd.conf:
access to dn.subtree="dc=example,dc=com"
by * =cs break
access to dn.subtree="ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
by * +r
- Gives Compare and Search access to all entries in the tree to all users
- Adds Read access for all entries in the “ou=people” subtree
Example for slapd.d
olcAccess: to dn.subtree="dc=example,dc=com" by * =cs break
olcAccess: to dn.subtree="ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" by * +r
Service-Type ACLs
Access rules for replication or service-type accounts. Since the rule is very specific and in the case of the replication user, will be evaluated often, this rule should be near the top of the ACL.
Common Directory Structure/Entries
+ cn=replicator
+ cn=updater
+ cn=read_all
member: cn=replicator,ou=admin,dc=example,dc=com
+ cn=write_all
member: cn=updater,ou=admin,dc=example,dc=com
Replication/Service Account ACL
access to *
by group=“cn=read_all,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com” read stop | Read access to everything by members of the cn=read_all group |
by group=“cn=write_all,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com” write stop | Write access to everything by members of the cn=write_all group |
—————————————————————- | —————————————————————– |
by * break | What doesn’t match will be evaluated by the next rule |
———— | ——————————————————- |
Examples (slapd.conf vs. slapd.d):
SLAPD.CONF (default)
access to dn="" by * read
access to *
by self write
by users read
by anonymous auth
by sockurl="^ldapi:///$" write
SLAPD.D (default)
olcAccess: {0}to dn.base="" by * read
olcAccess: {1}to * by self write by users read by anonymous
auth by sockurl.exact="^ldapi:///$" write
- Allow all to read rootDSE
- Entries can write to self
- Authenticated users may read
- Unauthenticated users may use attributes for authentication
- Unix domain sockets may write
Access to attrs=userPassword
by self write
by anonymous auth
by dn="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" write
by * none
Access to dn.base=""
by dn="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" read
Access to *
by dn="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" write
Access to dn.subtree="dc=qa,dc=example,dc=com"
by dn="cn=admin,dc=qa,dc=example,dc=com" read by * break
Access to dn.children="dc=qa,dc=example,dc=com"
by self write
by dn="cn=admin,dc=qa,dc=example,dc=com" write
by dn.children="dc=qa,dc=example,dc=com" read
olcAccess: {0}to * by
manage by * break
olcAccess: {1}to attrs=userPassword by self write by anonymous
auth by dn="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" write by * none
olcAccess: {2}to dn.base="" by dn="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com"
olcAccess: {3}to * by dn="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" write
olcAccess: {4}to dn.subtree="dc=qa,dc=example,dc=com" by
dn="cn=admin,dc=qa,dc=example,dc=com" read by * break
olcAccess: {5}to dn.children="dc=qa,dc=example,dc=com" by
self write by dn="cn=admin,dc=qa,dc=example,dc=com"
write by dn.children="dc=qa,dc=example,dc=com" read
- Every authenticated user can change their own password
- The user cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com can read the base DN
- The user cn= admin,dc=example,dc=com can modify everything everywhere
- The user cn=admin,dc=qa,dc=example,dc=com can read the subtree dc=qa DN
- All dc=qa members can modify themselves
- The user cn=admin,dc=qa,dc=example,dc=com can modify all subtree dc=qa content
- All dc=qa members can read the subtree dc=qa content
ACL Creation Suggestion:
Print a copy of the DIT from Apache Directory Studio Use multiple colored pens to identify who you want to have what kind of access to what portion of the DIT Note any areas that overlap as additional ACLs will be required to clearly define those areas.
The next block specifies connection time and entry return limits. Use the sizelimit option to specify the maximum number of entries to return from a search operation. The default size limit is 500. Use unlimited to specify no limits. The syntax is as follows:
sizelimit {<integer>|unlimited}
A second format allows a fine grain setting of the size limits. Extra args can be added on the same line.
sizelimit size[.{soft|hard|unchecked}]=<integer> [...]
Use the timelimit option to specify the maximum number of seconds (in real time) slapd will spend answering a search request. The default time limit is 3600. Use unlimited to specify no limits. The syntax is as follows:
timelimit {<integer>|unlimited}
A second format allows a fine grain setting of the time limits. Extra args can be added on the same line.
timelimit time[.{soft|hard}]=<integer> [...]
For the more granular limits setting, specify time and size limits
based on the operation’s initiator or base DN. The argument
anonymous | users | [<dnspec>=]<pattern> | group[/oc[/at]]=<pattern>