Symas OpenLDAP Knowledge Base

Multiple SlapD Instances On The Same Server

Note: Each solserver instance needs its own .pid and .args file, slapd.conf, symas-openldap.conf and solserver files

Copy /opt/symas/etc/openldap/slapd.conf to slapd2.conf (or whatever name you choose)

Modify slapd2.conf

Set pidfile “/var/symas/”

Set argsfile “/var/symas/slapd2.args”

These will be automatically created when solserver2 starts

(Optional) Hash password using slappasswd -s (for sha2) or use Apache Directory Studio to create a new SSHA512 password

See “man slappasswd” for more details

See “man pw-sha2” for more details

Add module for additional hashing options

Set directory “/var/symas/openldap-data/secondary (or whatever name you choose)

Create example2 (or whatever name you chose in the slapd2.conf file) database in the /var/symas/openldap-data directory

Copy /opt/symas/etc/openldap/symas-openldap.conf to symas-openldap2.conf (or whatever name you choose)

Modify symas-openldap2.conf

Set HOST_LIST=“ldap://:/”

Set EXTRA_SLAPD_ARGS=“-n slapd2”

Set PID_FILE=“/var/symas/run/”

Should match slapd2.conf

Copy /opt/symas/etc/solserver to solserver2 (or whatever name you choose)

Modify solserver2

Set # Description: Symas OpenLDAP Secondary

Set SOL_CON_FILE=$CONF_DIR/symas-openldap2.conf


Set PROD_NAME=“Symas OpenLDAP LDAP Service - Secondary”

Set PROCNAME=“slapd2”

Set HOST_LIST=“ldap://:/”

Note: Needs to match port number set in symas-openldap2.conf

Set SOL_LIB=/opt/symas/lib64

case basename $0 in



Note: PROC needs to match the name given to the ARGS and PIDS files in slapd2.conf

Set “$PROC” = slapd2

Run slaptest

/opt/symas/bin/slaptest -f /opt/symas/openldap/slapd2.conf

Start solserver2

sudo /opt/symas/etc/solserver start

sudo /opt/symas/etc/solserver2 start

To set solserver2 to start automatically

sudo scp /opt/symas/etc/solserver2 /etc/init.d/


Start the slapd2 manually

sudo /opt/symas/lib64/slapd -f slapd2.conf -h “ldap://:/” -u root -g root -d stats,sync &

Verify port is open in IPTables

netstat -a | grep