Symas OpenLDAP Knowledge Base

Installing OpenLDAP from RPM Packages Locally

If you or the server you are installing on does not have access to the internet then this is how to local install Symas OpenLDAP.

Step 1: Downloading the Packages

Download the packages needed onto a different machine for the OS on which you are going to install.

NOTE: Packages can be found here:, choose your release (2.5 or 2.6), your operating system (RedHat 7 or 8), and click “x86_64”.

The packages that are generally needed are as follows:

  • symas-cyrus-sasl-libs…
  • symas-heimdal-libs…
  • symas-libargon2…
  • symas-libevent-libs…
  • symas-openldap-clients…
  • symas-openldap-libs…
  • symas-openldap-servers…
  • symas-openssl…
  • symas-openssl-libs…

NOTE: In this directory, there are older and newer releases of each file. As best practice, locate the most updated version of each file, and if an error appears later in installment, use the error information to locate the file needed.

Step 2: Moving the Packages

Move these packages onto removable media such as a USB drive, external hard drive, or accessible network drive. Next, move the packages from the removable media, external drive, or network drive onto the target machine into a directory of your making/choosing.

Warning Do not try to install these packages one at a time as this will cause circular dependency problems. Instead, utilize a ‘yum localinstall’ command with a list of each of the RPM packages afterwards.


Packages needed to transport:

  • packageA.rpm
  • packageB.rpm
  • packageC.rpm

Make sure they are in the same directory and then run the following command:

’’’ yum localinstall packageA.rpm packageB.rpm packageC.rpm ’’’

In order to make this as easy as possible, all packages should be placed into the same directory with nothing else and run with one of these commands:

’’’ yum localinstall *.rpm


rpm -ivh *rpm ’’’

If you receive an error after the installation, more research may be required to verify the correct version of the packages installed and their compatibility both with the OS being used and each other.