Configure Variant
Attribute sharing
It is not completely rare that, when managing a complex directory, some values need to be shared between entries.
As LDAP is not a protocol that has a relational data model (e.g. being able to answer queries like “list entries having an attribute”a” with value “x” and whose parent doesn’t have attribute “b” present”), and extending it this way would probably lead to losing a lot of the benefits, especially performance-wise. It is for this reason that many varying approaches have been devised to help with this:
- aliases: will completely replace the entry with another
- referral: similar to aliases
- collective attributes: an attribute is propagated to child entries
- [dereference control][( ldap-deref-00)]( another set of values can be returned as part of the search query based on a DN-valued attribute
: an attribute specifying an additional entry is referenced to retrieve certain values
Obviously, each of them is more suited for a different use case,
aliases and referrals will only replace an entry with another, no mixing
and matching is possible. Not all collective attribute implementations
allow for the collective attribute to be used in a filter and the
modification never propagates to the source entry. Likewise with
dereference control or slapo-dynlist
, the values can only
be returned as part of a search response, no filtering on the referenced
values or modification is permitted or defined. If there is a need to
share only some attributes, yet allow modification to happen, the
fallback has always been to bake this into the provisioning systems or
setting up a reactive process to propagate that when a change is
detected. Yet another option is to leverage the server and implement the
business logic into it. While this will never approach the flexibility
of a relational database, it might still get close enough to solving the
issue to be useful.
Variant overlay
One implementation that attempts to cover some areas where the above standard approaches were falling short is the variant overlay for OpenLDAP. Using this overlay, an attribute and its values can be seamlessly shared between several entries at the same time, with modifications taking effect instantaneously. The overlay allows some entries in the database to be configured as so-called variant entries. These entries can inherit any of their attributes from other entries (alternative entries), possibly under a different name. Whenever that entry is being considered, it is as if the attribute was a part of it, for the purposes of filtering, access control and modification. Internally, the values are always stored in the alternative entry and should the variant entry already contain the attribute, it will not be shown. Attempting to add an entry configured as a variant with a variant attribute will be rejected, modifying the variant attributes will perform the necessary modifications on the respective alternative entries.
Regex variants
Variant entries can also be defined more generally specifying a regular expression to be tested against their DN. These entries are, however, not as transparent to the client as regular variant entries, see below. With regex variants, the regular expression can contain capture patterns and anything matched by them is then available when locating the alternative entry for each attribute. This is great when the alternative entry might be different for each variant entry and there are easy to describe rules to locate it. When compared to the regular variants, a drawback is that searches for regex entries will only be processed as such if requested specifically and with scope set tòbasè.
The variant overlay is available in Symas OpenLDAP builds from version FIXME onwards.
Before you can use it, instruct the server to load the module, then add it to the database you intend to use it with. If you replicate that database, you want this overlay to be configured on each server and consult its manual page (man 5 slapo-variant) for more information.
ldapmodify -x -D cn=config -W -H ldap://localhost dn: cn=module{0},cn=config changetype: modify add: olcModuleLoad olcModuleLoad: dn: olcOverlay=variant,$DATABASE changetype: add objectClass: olcVariantConfig
Now you can specify that an entry is to be treated as a variant, suppose we want dc=example,dc=com to be a regular variant entry and
to be a regex variant:ldapmodify -x -D cn=config -W -H ldap://localhost dn: name=example,olcOverlay={x}variant,$DATABASE changetype: add objectClass: olcVariantVariant olcVariantEntry: dc=example,dc=com dn: name=example 2,olcOverlay={x}variant,$DATABASE changetype: add objectClass: olcVariantRegex olcVariantEntry: cn=(.*),([^,]*),dc=example,dc=com
If we want the first entry to share its address with where its headquarters are, we might configure the attribute like this:
dn: olcVariantVariantAttribute=postaladdress,name={0}example,olcOverlay={x}v ariant,$DATABASE objectClass: olcVariantVariantAttribute olcVariantVariantAttribute: postaladdress olcVariantAlternativeAttribute: postaladdress olcVariantAlternativeEntry: ou=Headquarters,dc=example,dc=com
The phone number recorded should be the same as the CEO’s home phone, we make sure that the number is taken from the correct attribute (homephone) on the alternative entry:
dn: olcVariantVariantAttribute=telephonenumber,name={0}example,olcOverlay={x }variant,$DATABASE objectClass: olcVariantVariantAttribute olcVariantVariantAttribute: telephonenumber olcVariantAlternativeAttribute: homephone olcVariantAlternativeEntry:cn=John Doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
If we stored some attributes elsewhere, the regex attribute can help locate them for us:
dn: olcVariantVariantAttribute=location,name={1}example 2,olcOverlay={x}variant,$DATABASE objectClass: olcVariantAttributePattern olcVariantVariantAttribute: location olcVariantAlternativeAttribute: location olcVariantAlternativeEntryPattern: name=$1,ou=alternative,$2,dc=another,dc=com
Complete cn=config Example
dn: cn=module{0},cn=config
changetype: modify
add: olcModuleLoad
dn: olcOverlay={0}variant,olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: add
objectClass: olcOverlayConfig
objectclass: olcVariantConfig
dn: olcOverlay={0}variant,olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: olcVariantPassReplication
olcVariantPassReplication: TRUE
dn: name={0}variant,olcOverlay={0}variant,olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: add
objectclass: olcVariantVariant
olcVariantEntry: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
# a basic variant
changetype: add
objectclass: olcVariantAttribute
olcVariantAlternativeAttribute: description olcVariantAlternativeEntry:
# a nonexistent alternate
changetype: add
objectclass: olcVariantAttribute
olcVariantAlternativeAttribute: seealso
olcVariantAlternativeEntry: ou=Societies,dc=example,dc=com
dn: name={1}variant,olcOverlay={0}variant,olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: add
objectclass: olcVariantVariant
olcVariantEntry: ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
# recursive retrieval is not done
changetype: add
objectclass: olcVariantAttribute
olcVariantAlternativeAttribute: description olcVariantAlternativeEntry:
# a variant taking data from a different attribute (after the changes
changetype: add
objectclass: olcVariantAttribute
olcVariantAlternativeAttribute: st
olcVariantAlternativeEntry: cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com
# configuration changes
changetype: modify
replace: olcVariantAlternativeAttribute
olcVariantAlternativeAttribute: ou
replace: olcVariantAlternativeEntry
olcVariantAlternativeEntry: ou=Alumni Association,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
# a regex variant
dn: name={2}regex,olcOverlay={0}variant,olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: add
objectclass: olcVariantRegex
olcVariantEntryRegex: (.*),(ou=.*technology.*)(,)dc=example,dc=com
changetype: add
objectclass: olcVariantAttributePattern
olcVariantAlternativeAttribute: ou
olcVariantAlternativeEntryPattern: $2$3dc=example$3dc=com
# Duplicate description into title
changetype: add
objectclass: olcVariantAttributePattern
olcVariantAlternativeAttribute: description
olcVariantAlternativeEntryPattern: $0
# everything
dn: name={3}regex,olcOverlay={0}variant,olcDatabase={1}mdb,cn=config
changetype: add
objectclass: olcVariantRegex
olcVariantEntryRegex: .*
changetype: add
objectclass: olcVariantAttributePattern
olcVariantAlternativeAttribute: l
olcVariantAlternativeEntryPattern: dc=example,dc=com
Complete slapd.conf Example
include ./schema/core.schema
include ./schema/cosine.schema
include ./schema/inetorgperson.schema
include ./schema/openldap.schema
include ./schema/nis.schema
argsfile slapd.args
database monitor
database mdb
suffix "dc=example,dc=com"
rootdn "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com"
rootpw secret
directory ./db
index objectClass eq
index cn,sn,uid pres,eq,sub
overlay variant
passReplication TRUE
variantDN ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
variantSpec seealso seealso ou=Societies,dc=example,dc=com
variantSpec description description dc=example,dc=com
variantDN ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
variantSpec st ou "ou=Alumni Association,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
variantSpec description description ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
variantRegex "(.*),(ou=.*technology.*)(,)dc=example,dc=com"
variantRegexSpec title description $0
variantRegexSpec ou ou "$2$3dc=example$3dc=com"
variantRegex .*
variantRegexSpec l l dc=example,dc=com